Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Yoga Prep

So tonight I rearranged my room in preparation for the TV relocation. Dad hasn't gotten the cable wire yet, but insists that he picks it up. My resolution this year is to start and maintain a daily yoga regimen in order to stay fit and balance, mentally and physically. Also to read from the Word every night in order to maintain spiritual balance. Last night I mistakenly read a chapter ahead, so tonight I read John 3. "No one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."  (John 3:3) Once again I am grateful that at my age I am mature enough to understand what that means, and therefore have no fear of death, I know where I'm going! I pray that anyone out there reading this is Heaven bound. If not, please talk with me, I'd love to see you there. My cat Heidi even gets her Bible reading on sometimes :)

Mike had a bad day today at work :-/ He likes his job but the people who run the company are awful and have mixed up priorities and bad morals. Its a turbulent environment for him to be in as a Christian and it tests his faith daily. Also he doesn't work enough to support himself and therefore we cant get married. I don't get paid enough to support us both...its in the Lord's hands. I am waiting on a call back from a job interview, which would seal the marriage deal. The only issue is, its not in my current state. Mike and I are pleased to be relocating, but his mom hates the idea. That's a long way to stretch the umbilical cord ;)

Work for me was okay again today, some unwanted downtime was mixed in but near the end of the day I was hurriedly asked to complete several things before clients came in. With all the last minute action that goes on there, I wonder how it all got done without me...they are very successful though so I know it did! I have wonderful bosses, I couldn't ask for better ones. If I do move for this other job, I will miss them.

Another night ended, another day to begin tomorrow. Its an amazing thing, going to sleep to wake in the morning. Even though it may feel like torture, each day is a gift. Its time God wants us to spend here to spread joy and promise to others. His promise - there is no other that matters.

Remember...Fly with the Wings the Lord Provided You.

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