Monday, January 3, 2011


Well here I am...blogging. It is all the rage, isn't it? I honestly never considered this venture until recently when I saw Julie and Julia, a film based on a true story of an amateur cook named Julie who decides to prepare every recipe in Julia Child's book Mastering The Art of French Cooking in 365 days. The movie itself wasn't a huge hit in my opinion, but I thought hmm...what if I were to write down my thoughts in an effort to create a therapeutic environment where I can let out my emotions without scaring off my fiance. As much as hand written notables are more personal and endearing, typing seems more practical in my world these days. Plus, how many journals can one person really have lying around?

I haven't quite decided what I will write about here, but I would imagine it will end up containing thoughts on the the Bible chapters I read that night, or poems that I so often write in my head, mixed in with some thoughts on my life and the dreams I strive to pursue. All-in-all it should be an interesting publication in which I can look back and see how far I've come.

I shall return when time permits, until then - Fly with the wings the Lord provided you.

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